Wednesday, November 6, 2013



Many die before their turn comes.

Read it and weep, folks.


WHY THIS TODAY? Keep reading....

So today being Astrological Samhain, and the 31st being inconvenient for my needs this year, I am setting up an Ancestor alter for this evening. Pictures of Ancestors and other Beloved Dead. Offerings of food and drink, lotsa candles, and various symbolic Celtic and Nordic things, to honor my heritage in general and all the ancestors I have no knowledge of. A little Tartan here, a Thor's' Hammer there, you know what I mean. Come on in, have a a little something to eat eat and drink, hang out, maybe teach me something, re-connect, leave me a bit wiser, and know you are still cherished, my beloved dead.

Which, of course, brings my last Living Ancestor to mind. My 89 year old mother, who is no longer in her right mind most of the time, due to that modern scourge, Alzheimer's Disease. She's in Assisted Care now, and it's going well, over all. Except for the veteran's benefit that is supposed to be paying for it. And isn't, after more than a year waiting time, so far. So Far. And if she Passes before the Benefit gets approved, will they still approve it and pay the back log? 
I kinda doubt it.
Meanwhile, every month we go into debt for several hundred dollars for the amount we can't cover from her income. It's amazing and wonderful that the owner of her Assisted Care is willing to do this. He's a very good man. But I sit up and worry nights, too many nights, over what will happen if she dies before the Benefit comes through.
Live Long and Prosper, Mom. 

So I did a reading~

With my Daniloff Tarot.

Which I adore. Three cards that turned into more:

QUESTION: Will Mom get the A&A Benefit during her lifetime?

3 Pentacles                             the Hermit                            the Star

Which I took to be a Yes. 
But I had some questions about the Hermit. Now the thing about the Daniloff that I love best is how expressive the faces are, over all. The Hermit is very's pretty much exactly the expression I have when I just even think about the A& A Benefit, let alone have to do more if their demented paperwork. (It's not even like they tell you all their requirements up front, they prefer to keep the really picky bits as a secret until they can slam you with them, the perverts. But I digress...) 
So I thought, "What about the Hermit?" and pulled a coupla more cards. Three, actually.
I got: the Wheel of Fortune, Justice and the Eight of Swords. 
So the whole reading is:
With work and devotion and concentration and persistence and paying attention to the wretched details and not losing hope the Wheel will turn creating the hoped for change into Justice for Mom. And that 8 Swords? Well, they're not going to modify thier rules for us.....we're trapped in How It Is (and the Daniloff 8S is really really trapped, none of this wishy-washy 'there's a way out" Jazz) and so must do it the only way possible. Their way. Also, I suspect this card of giving me a little diggy reminder that Mom can't do this (see the woman? See those ropes? That's you mind on Alziemers.) so I'm it. Not the best back-up system in the world, but the only one she's got. 
Karma's a Bitch.

Yet Another Reading?

Well, Yeah, since I'm lucky enough to have a copy of Edmund Zebrowski's 2012 Day of the Dead Lenormand, and it seemed ridiculous not to use it today. But don't expect much from this reading, since I'm just learning Lennie's now, and am Awful at it.

Question: How will I benefit from my Ancestral Alter and whatever Ceremony I do? 

Bouquet is the significator, I'm reading the two cards on each side of it.

Heart + Tree (Bouquet) Cross + Moon
My love & generosity is given to the spirits of my ancestors, (who hopefully receive it) and I will sadly realize that my unanswered questions about my heritage will never be answered.  How depressing. 
But Moon also signifies Spirituality, so I can hope that that will make up the difference for me, and I can make it a more rewarding experience than the Lennie thinks it will be.
I just didn't ask Mom enough questions about family in time. But who knew there would turn out to be so little time? 


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Just For Starters...

3 November 2013

This is just a beginning....and I hope the beginning of something worthwhile. I've been wanting to Blog about Tarot, the Love of my Life, for a long time. 

But I'm about as technologically ept as a bent spoon. I may never post a picture here, simple as that seems for most people. But I can talk about tarot, and how and why I love it, and reading...after 50 years I should know something about that, right? Of Course, Right! And decks. Glorious, wonderful varied decks 
And then, I have Opinions, which I like to share, and my own somewhat skewed view of life, love, food, people, cats....and life in general and particular.
What brings me here today vs someday is my housemate, possibly the nicest man in the world. He sees me as this amazingly creative person, and dreams a BIG little dream that I want to create my own tarot deck. Which is logical, I own around 300 of the things and you can't hardly walk around here without tripping over one. But I don't, not really. I used to want to, but then in the 70's there was this Tarot Explosion, that has gone on ever since. I don't have a tarot vision to contribute. I'm much too busy loving and learning and critiquing and comparing other people's work. So I don't wanna draw a deck, 

I want to talk about other people's decks! And this is where I'll do it.

 So thank you Jesse, for your belief in me, and for your insistence that I do too wanna make a deck. Without it, I might not have figured out that I really want is to Blog about other people's decks!

And I hope you will come long with me, Gentle Reader,  on this Voyage of Exploration, and find it worth your Time and Attention.





Using Maggie Keen's delightful OLD ENGLISH TAROT

The Question: Tell me about my Blog:

THE SUN               THE MOON                     4 OF COINS

The Blog starts off as something of a Joyous Lark, but becomes deeper with time, and evolves into treasure and security for me.